So, it’s time for the famous “chicken-and-the-egg”-problem again. We have some SuperMicro-nodes that has been experiencing hardware-problems. After a long discussion with SM, they supposedly have figured out the root-cause of the problem, and has released a new BIOS-upgrade. That means we need to upgrade quite a lot of nodes.
Since we have no clue to find the nodes we want to upgrade, by just looking at the hostnames, we need to find it some other way. We know they have 2x CPU’s with 12 cores each, so, the following should list the nodes we need;
root@portal-ecs1:/etc/dsh/group# for host in $(cat prodcluster); do if ping -c1 -w1 $host|grep -qi "bytes from"; then ssh $host 'if [ `cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep -i "model name"|wc -l` -eq 24 ]; then hostname; fi'; fi; done cn006 cn007 cn008 cn009 cn011 cn012 cn013 cn020 cn021 cn022 cn023 cn024 cn025 cn026 cn027 cngpu000 cngpu001 cngpu002 cngpu003 cngpu004 cngpu005 cngpu006 cngpu007 cngpu008 cngpu009 cngpu010 cngpu011 cngpu012 cngpu013 cngpu014 cngpu015 cngpu016 cngpu017 cngpu018 cngpu019 cngpu020 cngpu021 cngpu022 cngpu023 cngpu024 cngpu025 cngpu026 cngpu027 cngpu028 cngpu029 cngpu030 cngpu031 cngpu032 cngpu033 |
49 in total.
The problem, however, is that, even though we live in 2011, you need to use DOS to upgrade it. Fair enough. But what about the built-in BIOS-upgrade in BMC/IPMI? Well, the latter actually bricks the node, as, at some point, the BMC/IPMI goes through the BIOS, and hence, when upgrading the BIOS, it looses connectivity to itself some way. Brilliant. So, back to DOS. The nodes, obviously, has no floppy-disks, so, we need to use a CD. They don’t have a CD either, so you’ll either have to use a USB-stick, a USB-CD-ROM, or BMC/IPMI’s built-in virtual CD-ROM, where you can mount .iso-files from a SMB-share. Quite nifty. Except that, so far, we haven’t found a CD-ROM driver for DOS that accepts the virtual CD-ROM. So, then we can’t access the BIOS-upgrade software. Great. What about using the BMC/IPMI’s built-in virtual floppy-disk? That would have been a great idea, except that it’s limited to 1.44MB. Guess what? The new BIOS-firmware is 2.1MB. Wohooo!
So, for the moment we’re somewhat stuck. We’ll be looking into using a USB-stick, and maybe get it to work that way. I guess it’s all about finding a driver that accepts the virtual virtual virtual floppy-disk virtualized as a CD-ROM on a USB-stick, or something. Hahaha.